Contao Search Engine + Merconis

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Contao Search Engine + Merconis

Beitrag von vmulot »


I'm encountering a new pb (in fact, 2, but let's see the first one).
i might have some difficulties to explain, even in french lol :)

Contao is using its own search engine,which works pretty well.
when i'm looking for a product (which is in merconis) in the frontend Contao search, it gives me some results.
but on some links, it diplays me the "wrong" page,

to understand i'll give you the links :, search for "cortina", in the results, click on "CORTINA VELCRO ®Podartis - Pied diabétique" (first link i think)

you'll see the product view, because i used a hook to change the layout "on the fly"

Code: Alles auswählen

	public function mygetPageLayout(\PageModel $objPage, \LayoutModel &$objLayout, \PageRegular $objPageRegular)
		$product = \Input::get('product'); 

		if(isset($product) && !empty($product)) 
			$objPage->layout = 11;
			$objLayout = $this->getPageLayout($objPage);
but the URL is wrong, and the breadcrumb also.

it shows: ... artis.html
but it should be : ... l#p_1049-0

the first link is a content page mixed to a product page (but has im changing the layout, you can't see the content inserted in articles)

any clue on what is happening ?

Beiträge: 427
Registriert: 4. Mär 2015, 14:05

Re: Contao Search Engine + Merconis

Beitrag von supportteam2 »


the search result looks a lot like the standard contao search and not like a search result of the Merconis product search. Is it possible that you don't use the merconis product search frontend module? Please try using this module and let us know if the result list (which is an actual merconis product overview list) creates the correct product urls.
Beiträge: 46
Registriert: 5. Nov 2014, 15:26

Re: Contao Search Engine + Merconis

Beitrag von vmulot »

In fact i have both of search modules, in the header the contao one, and after the header, in categories pages, the merconis search.
i'm afraid i did'nt understand what you asked me to do :)
you want me to hide the merconis search ? (do i need to just unpublish it ?), do i need to index search again from the contao backoffice ?
Beiträge: 427
Registriert: 4. Mär 2015, 14:05

Re: Contao Search Engine + Merconis

Beitrag von supportteam2 »

Okay, since I didn't know about the two search modules, there might have been a misunderstanding. If I go to and I use the first search field that I see, it is the one in the header and that's the standard contao search. Searching for "cortina" in this field brings me to a text-only search result page, where I can find the product "CORTINA VELCRO ®Podartis - Pied diabétique". The link to this product works but it is the url that you say is wrong (

If I go to a category page, I can see another search field, which is the one for the Merconis product search. If I search using this field, I see a Merconis search result product overview page in which the linked url to the product seems to be correct.

What I need to know is, whether you can confirm that the urls in the Merconis product search result are correct and the one in the contao search result are not. With this information, we might come a little closer to solving the problem.

Is it possible that the product is assigned to two pages: "pied-diabetique" and "autour-du-pied"? If it is, what happens if you remove the assignment to "pied-diabetique" and reindex the contao search?
Beiträge: 46
Registriert: 5. Nov 2014, 15:26

Re: Contao Search Engine + Merconis

Beitrag von vmulot »

The search results from the merconis search seems to be good (link is good)

the only wrongs links appear in the contao search results (search form in the header with orange color)
there's no "pied-diabetique" cateogry so it can't be assigned to this one, but it's a regular page (
and in the accordion system there are some texte/image contents (and some refers to the cortina product)
Beiträge: 427
Registriert: 4. Mär 2015, 14:05

Re: Contao Search Engine + Merconis

Beitrag von supportteam2 »

Every page can be used as a category if it is selected in a product's page selection. A page can't work as a category if the product overview module isn't placed on that page but the page could still be selected in a product. This means that it is possible to assign a product to the page "pied-diabetique". If that's not the case with "CORTINA VELCRO ®Podartis - Pied diabétique" we have to search the problem somewhere entirely different than if it is. Please open the product "CORTINA VELCRO ®Podartis - Pied diabétique" and look if the page "pied diabetique" actually isn't selected there. With this information, we should be able to narrow this whole thing down.
Beiträge: 46
Registriert: 5. Nov 2014, 15:26

Re: Contao Search Engine + Merconis

Beitrag von vmulot »

Ok, it seems it was the problem, i didn't check all products. My customer did the change...:(

we gonna check all products, and perform a new search to check if it's working well.
i'll keep you informed.

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