Installing leadingsystems/lsjs

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Beiträge: 77
Registriert: 4. Mär 2015, 14:05

Re: Installing leadingsystems/lsjs

Beitrag von supportteam2 »

Can you please elaborate on "breaks my shop"? How exactly is it broken after installing lsjs v.2.0.10? I'm asking because the contao extension "leadingsystems/contao-lsjs4c" (the component that integrates lsjs into contao) has probably been updated as well and I'm wondering whether it's actually lsjs or rather contao-lsjs4c that breaks your shop. Do you know what version of contao-lsjs4c was installed before doing the composer install and what version is installed now?

If you want to make sure that a specific version of leadingsystems/lsjs is installed, you have to add a requirement to contao's composer.json. By default lsjs is required indirectly by leadingsystems/contao-merconis which is why you can't see it in the contao manager and therefore can't define the required version there.

"leadingsystems/lsjs": "2.0.8"

If you know the version of leadingsystems/contao-lsjs4c that was installed before, you can also add a specific requirement for this component in the composer.json to make sure that this version is being installed again.
Beiträge: 77
Registriert: 4. Mär 2015, 14:05

Re: Installing leadingsystems/lsjs

Beitrag von supportteam2 »

I think the best way to go is to make composer install both leadingsystems/lsjs and leadingsystems/contao-lsjs4c with the previous versions. Therefore, please add the requirements to contao's composer.json and start the update process in the contao manager. You can start a dry run to see if the contao manager (i.e. composer) actually downgrades to the versions you want. If it does, you can actually run the update process and then see if lsjs works again as intended.

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